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Question 6 of 8

Which type of evacuation do you have access to?

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Wall to exterior
Wall to exterior
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We will make a hole through this wall to evacuate the gases. We need to be able to make this hole at least half a meter away from windows.
Direct access to the roof from the room
Direct access to the roof from the room
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If you install your heating system in a room which is right under your house's roof, then we can evacuate the gases through a hole in the roof. Beware, a chimney that goes through multiple floors does not qualify. If you have a chimney like this, please choose "Neither/I don't know".
Neither/I don't know
Neither/I don't know
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You have access to neither of those two alternatives, or you are not quite sure which one to choose. Don't worry, our team will help you find a solution.